Dedicated to Mohd Norhijrah :')

Syg, please read the lyrics carefully. I really mean every single of the words :) This is just for you darl. It's more nicer when you read the lyrics+hear the song <3

I Will Never Find Another Lover
Sweeter Than You
Sweeter Than You
And I Will Never Find Another Lover
More Precious Than You
More Precious Than You
Girl You Are.. *yg girl tuh, tukar la jd boy :D*
Close To Me You're Like My Mother,
Close To Me You're Like My Father,
Close To Me You're Like My Sister,
Close To Me You're Like My Brother
And You Are The Only One My Everything
And For You This Song I Sing....

All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God
That I..That I Finally Found You
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Hope That You Feel The Same Way Too
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too

I'd Send You All That I'm Thinking Of........Baby

Said I Promise To Never Fall In Love With A Stranger
You're All I'm Thinking Of
I Praise The Lord Above
For Sending Me Your Love
I Cherish Every Hug
I Really Love You

All My Life (Ohhhh..Baby, Baby)
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God
That I...That I Finally Found You
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Hope That You Feel The Same Way Too
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too

You're All That I Ever Know,
When You Smile All My Face Always Seems To Glow,
You Turned My Life Around,
You Picked Me Up When I Was Down,
You're All That I've Ever Known,
When You Smile My Face Glows
You Picked Me Up When I Was Down
Say...You're All That I've Ever Known
When You Smile My Face Glows
You Picked Me Up When I Was Down
And I Hope That You
Feel The Same Way Too
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too

And All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God
That I..That I Finally Found You
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too

All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God
That I ..That I Finally Found You
All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
Yes, I Pray That You Do Love Me Too

And All My Life
I Prayed For Someone Like You
And I Thank God That I...That I Finally Found You..... 

Song : All My Life
Artist : K-C & Jojo
by amyy.zhry=)

Boleh tak.......?

Boleh Tak......
Nk nangis :'(

©by amyy.zhry

You, this entry just for you, my mickey :')

You, I bkn nye tak nk feedback time you mrhmrh or bebel or ckp ngan I tuh. Tp I taktau knp, I taktau nk ckp ape. But actly, there're a lot of things yg I nk feedback to you. Kalau boleh, every time you mngarut tuh I nk bg feedback. But I taktau knp lidah mcm kelu then I just pendam sampai kn I just jwb dlm hati je.

I nk you tau, I sayang you je. There's no one else slain you *sejujur hati I*. I nk you tau jgk, I sakit hati, terasa hati, kecik hati and segalanya la, time you tanya I nie ego ke? YES! I tau la I nie selfish, ego, temper and so on. Yah, Tp knp you mst tanya I soalan yg mcm tuh. You ingt I nie takde hati ke. Kecik hati I la. Sedih tau tak. I sedar la you. Tp jgn la smpai ckp mcm tuh. Seems like mgambar kn yg I nie teruk sgt la. Yahh, I'm not perfect la you. I rasa, you mcm dah fedup ngan I. Kalau mcm tuh, kalau you rasa you dah jumpa someone else, let me know. Hurm. Ok, takpe. Now I sedar, I mmg teruk sgt. Dah, no need to explain anything. I dont need that. 

Dah la, mls nk taip manyak2. I prefer pendam. But it doesnt mean if I pendam, you're nothg for me. Absolutely no! Fyi, I lg selesa or mmg dah biasa pendam. Hurm. Ok, just wanna apologize for all my faults. Iloveyoumoreandmore,daybyday. 

©sincerely amyy.zhry

Siti Farzana bt Tajudin!!!

This entry just for you, Fazae. Jgn la merajuk ye syg. Kte kn bGFf;) Kte takmau la awak majuk2. Kte syg awak sgtsgt. Kte g jumpa Nowr tuh pon plan last minute. Itu pon kbetulan kte g Melaka. Kalau awk ade kt Melaka pon, kte g jumpa awk taw. So awk tukar la poli Melaka :P Hehe. 

Dah la ye, takmau merajuk. Awak kn comel, lawa, baik, pemurah, pemaaf, penyayang, pandai, caring, tak suka tikus :D Haha. Ok ok, then awk kn sweet, dah besar, dah tua :P
*bodek nie* Hehe.

Dah dah, kte nk awk tau, awk and nowr adalah di antara org yg terpenting dlm hidup kte. Syg awak and nowr sgtsgt! <3 *hughug* muahmuah :')

©by your bestGFforeverever=)

Morning sunshine :)

It's Tuesday morning and it's a holiday! :) Every student in UiTM Segamat are still having their sweet dreams :D While me, I'm preparing myself and get ready because about another 15minutes more, I'm going to Malacca with Hijrah, Atyn, Esya and Yeop. 

Ok, the motive of my entry- just wanna say that I'm going to Malacca with boyfie and friends :) Haha. Ok, bye! :D

Enjoy yourself on your anniversary, Amy :D
Hope everything are gonna be fine :)

©by amyy.zhry=)

150211. 6 months, half year :)

I buat sendiri taw :P

Tik tok tik tok, it's 12 o'clock already. Happy 6th months Anniversary to my beloved boyfie, Mohd Norhijrah b. Rahmat. I wish we'll be together until the end of my life. I want you to know that I'm glad and proud that I'm yours and you're mine. Since I know you, I can feel the colourful of my life. Even sometimes I've no mood, but you must know that my love to you never ever be less. Sygg, there's no one can replace you in my heart<3 And never be replace by someone else. You're too perfect for me. And you're my only one and my only boyfie. I appreciate all things that you've done or gave to me. Once again I wanna say, I can't imagine my life without you. My life could be messy without you, darl. Sayang, you know what, you're so sweet than candy and kind like an angle (: I love you, Hijrah. Love you so much. I really mean it. *hugg.

I know that you're always try to make me smile, laugh and happy. Hope we're happy ever after :))

p/s: I'm wanna apologize for all my mistakes and all my bad. I know that I'm not perfect, I'm selfish, cursed, being childish and so on. Oh well, there're stated that I'm not perfect, so that means, for sure I've make a lot of mistakes. I'm so sorry for my bad. I'll try my best to be the best among the best, just for you :')

©written by your only girlfie with full of love:')

Oh ibu!

I want all the readers know that I really really LOVE you ibu <3 You're my everything, my only ibu. You're the only woman and the only place that always share my probs, complain and there're so many things that I've share with you, Ibu. You always be by my side when I need someone. 

I feel relieved afta I told you everything, just now. You're the BEST woman and mum in this world. You make me proud cuz I've caring, lovable mum like you that the others don't have. And I really mean every single of my word :') 

Once again, You're the BEST ibu <3

truly love by amyy.zhry=)

Until when.

Dont know how I'm going to say it but what can I say, I'm sad, miserable, feeling bad and so on. WHY? There's a lot of things :( *crying*

Dont know what to write. -end-

by amyy.zhry:(


Heyy wtf is going on with me. Asik takde mood je. Mcm cpt nk mrh je. Nk kata kn sbb period, time bkn period pon mcm nie. Nk kata dah tua, umur blom 19. Nk kata life is boring, I don't feel it so. Cuz I'm enjoying my life. So what's wrong with you AMY!!! Ish. Maybe I got a problem and don't know how to share it with someone. But I've thinkthink and think what's my problemo so many times? But I still don't get it. But my hearts said that I got problem. What is it???? Come on. Hurmm.

-The end of this entry-

by amyy.zhry:|

It's a Sunny day on Sunday :)


A very Good Morning to all peeps. Cewahh, dah mcm nk bg speech :D Haha.

Wahhh afta banjir hari tuh, Segamat nie terus panas panas and panas, plus bahang dia, OMG! Panas nye. I prefer better banjir than panas mcm nie. So kalau dah panas mcm nie, mula la an prangai mls nie hadir. Ish! Mcm2 jenis mls ade. Mls nk study, mls nk bangun, mls nk basuh baju and so on-.- Geramm. Huhu. Takpe la, nnt try jd rajin laa *ckp je*

Ok byebye;)

by amyy.zhry 

Adobe Photshop :D

Td ade bengkel Adobe Photoshop kt LT1 kot, anjuran PERMAS. Then I pon g la ngan Atyn, Zty, Esya and Nomie. Kata start kul 9.30, tp ktorg gerak kul 10 but tuh pon still tak start :D Hehe. Sampai LT, ktorg daftar, tulis nama, then dorg bg roti *nyumy*.

Masuk LT, dorg tgh ckp psl ape ntah. Then dlm 15minutes afta that, br dia start. Dia kata, slalu yg hadir dlm 35org je, but td lebih dr 50. So dia mcm nervous :D Haha. But everything is better ;) Td yg guide ktorg bout photoshop nie, dia guna CS2. Tp almost pkai CS5 ;)

Ini la hasil saya :

Contoh, a lot of things yg ktorg combind kn and lastly jd mcm yg atas nie.

Sesi mencuba. Tak reti r nk editedit nie. I know it's bad. Buruk-.- Tp nie la yg I smpat buat :)

psst psst.. Kalau org yg dah terror mst kata gamba nie buruk gila and takde seni lgsung. HAHA -.-
p/s : Btw, I dont know who's that guy in the pic cuz En. Azree Hanifiah yg bg and suruh ktorg edit :D

by amyy.zhry


Arms are for hugging,
Boys are for kissing,
Sluts are for dissing,
And best friends are for when the boy kissing
the slut and all you really  need is hug :)


Ex classmates:')
He's mine forever! ILYSM:')


by amyy.zhry=)


Haa kau nk sgt popular and nk sgt ktorg buat entry then ltk nama kau an. Nie haa aku buat kn utk kau. 

Hei pmpuan, ape mslh kau? Aku rasa, aku dah ckup baik ckp ngan kau. Kau yg mula dulu membebel kt page group 5MR then kau jgk la yg buat kecoh kt situ. Mcm kau taktau pulak an prangai Syzwan tuh mcm mana. Mcm kau r knal dia for one day. Pkara yg berlaku kt class for last 2009, kau boleh pulak ingt tp psl prangai kwnkwn kau nie, tak ingt2 pulak kau.

Btw, kau yg mula kn bnda nie semua ok! Listen here girl, kau post entry bout Syzwan, OK, ktorg tak ksah pon la, sikit pon tak sbb tuh mslh kau ngan Syzwan. TAPI yg mdtg kn mslh kt 5MR yg disebab kn kau nie, kau baca balik ape yg kau post tuh, kau kata "memang masa aku dekat SMK GOMBAK SETIA kelas MURNI (08-09) aku kena palau dalam kelas tu..terima kasih kepada sesetengah gang dalam kelas...sebab memfitnah aku..AKU BUKAN DARA..yeah..aku tersangat suka dengan statement yang korg bg dekat aku tu..lepas tu baru sekarang korg datang nak minta maaf..sorry..tapi fuck off la korg..sumpah aku dah menyampah..samada korg ada ataupun tidak..aku ada lagi kawan yang ambil berat,ambil tahu dan segala ambil yang ada...dorg menerima aku ni kawan macam mana..korang ada..sebab tu aku tak mengharap pun jumpa korg lepas ni..cukup la lepas sorg..lagi sorg muncul..semata-mata untuk buat aku menangis..kawan ke tu..aku tak rasa itu kawan..hanya kerana aku masuk sekolah tu lambat..bulan 6 tahun 2008..tapi tak semestinya korg boleh judge aku sesuka hati sebelum kenal aku..

bila jadi macam ni..korg kata aku yang immature..oh..iye ke macam korg tak sedar dalam masa yang sama korg macam pilih aku tak kisah pun kalau korg nak pilih side...aku sabar je..masak sangat dengan mulut manis dia tu...korg boleh kata.."aku kenal sangat dengan dia tu"...tapi aku boleh kata.."aku kenal sangat dark side dia tu"

inilah sebabnya aku menghargai semua kawan-kawan aku yang ada dekat KPTM KL tu..sebab dorg tu..kawan susah senang..tak tinggal macam tu je...korg ada?????" Haa, tuh sebijik2 aku copy. And kau fhm2 kn jela knp aku ade highlight sentences.

Ok, yg psl fitnah tuh, mana la aku tau. See, kau sndiri yg mcm dah ngaku AND kau sndiri yg jatuh kn maruah kau! Big B for ya. Which is BODOH, BANGANG, BAHLUL, and so on. One more thing, kwnkwn KPTM kau tuh hargai or rapat ngan kau sbb dorg tak knal prangai kau tuh. I'm veryvery sure if they know your immatured attitude, they'll do the same thing as we did. But setahu aku, ktorg dah lyn kau dgn agak baik. Kau je tak hargai ktorg. Dah hbis skola, boleh la kau nk maki ktorg. Cuba kt skola, bkn main innocent agy kau! *eiii geram nie*

One more thing, kau nie suka putar belit kn cerita. YES, kau pon dah ngaku yg kau nie liar, keras kpale, baran, selfish and so on. Btw, kau ade mslh ngan org lain skali pon, tak payah r nk masuk kn kisah silam kau kt skola tuh. Ktorg pon mls nk ingt kn sbb ktorg dah lupa kn and buka buku br, also ktorg dah matured fkir mana baik mana buruk. Smpai bila kau nk hidup ngan kisah silam kau tuh? And smpai bila kau nk fkir kn psl ksilapan ktorg semua? Nobody perfect la babe. Aku tegur kau kt fb tuh sbb aku tak nk kau msuk kn ktorg dlm case kau ngan Syzwan tuh. And ktorg semua tak nk bgaduh pon. Eiii aku mls r nk type byk2 kt entry nie, semata2 ckp psl nie. Waste my time and useless. Urghhh. Dah r, pndai2 r kau fikir. Kalau kau fikir kau dah besar and educated, pndai2 r kau fkir kn psl nie. 

 by amyy.zhry

Looooong time not update bloggie :D

Reason tak update blog :
2. Byk sgt nk update smpai taktau nk mula yg mana dlu, so last2 tak jd update :D
3. Busy
4. Lama sgt fikir ayat utk type kt bloggie nie, smpai kn tak type2 :P
5. No idea
6. Ntah la


by amyy.zhry=)