Disappointed kot.

Alhamdulillah, dapat tukar course from Computer Science to Quantitative Science. I guess, qs is better than cs cuz cs ade coding, programming. That's difficult for me, cuz I don't like coding, which is kita kne fkir logic and our mind must always creative and logic. Oh sorry! I can't. I don't know, seriously. My brain tak dpt nk fikir logic and all that. So I surrender, I mntk tukar qs. Qs just maths. Ok, I love calculating. 

But yg menjadikan masalah, people arround me. I tak maksud kn family and boyfie. But the others thought that I can't do qs and they said, qs is more difficult than cs. And they said, cs dah ssh, nk tukar course lg ssh. Gosh! They make me scared with that. I semangat nk masuk qs, but dorg ckp macam tuh. Bkn I cepat makan or pengaruh dgn kata org but they seems like tak support I and they thought that I can't do it. Am I too stupid, sampai kn korg mcm terkejut beruk? Please, you all almost make me cry, just because of that. *dah lama aku perhati kn korg psl bnda nie*

Ok enough! I don't want to talk bout that anymore. Enough for that, I can't take it anymore. That's all. And Amy, you CAN DO IT;) Believe in yourself, not others. And you have Him, family, boyfie and besties that support you. Everything is gonna be fine. Amin.

I know you can do it! <3

by amyy.zhry=)

Banyak berfikir.

FYI, lately aku byk sgt berfikir. Taktau la fkir ape. Senang cerita, bkn taktau, mayb aku je yg buatbuat taktau. Serabut la kpale. Bkn nye aku tak nk cerita bnda nie dgn org(especially bf aku), tp aku taktau la nk luah or bercerita ngan org. 

And mayb because aku byk sgt berfikir nie la aku slalu takde mood, smpai kn last Wednesday tuh, Atyn ingt aku tak ok ngan dia. NO! Aku ok je ngan semua, takde probs ngan sapesape, tp aku ade probs ngan diri aku sendiri. Sorry sgt to Jerah, Atyn and semua yg terasa hati tuh. Amy tak maksud kn nk buat korg terasa. Tp nie la dia, sbb byk sgt berfikir, smpai kpale serabut then takde mood. Sorry guys :'(

Ok la, dah la. Tuh je. Motif buat entry nie, just nk bgtau, aku byk berfikir smpai kn aku takde mood. That's all.

BYE :|

by amyy.zhry=)

berWEBCAM ;)

Kami berwebbie :D Bestt ! <3


by amyy.zhry=)

Hey, I'm with HIM ;)

With Jerah ;) Saje lepak (dating), haha. Masing2 bosan duk dlm bilik -.- Before dtg sini, ktorg g lunch dkt dgn Blok Ilmuan. Ok la jgk td, takde la ramai sgt org kt situ, mayb sbb ramai yg ade aktiviti and ramai yg outing kot. Kn best kalau everyday mcm nie. Takde la sesak sgt uitm nie-.- Huhu. 

Tgh bosanbosan kt bilik 24hours nie, ktorg pon main la webbie, snap some photos ;)

Muka aku mcm ape ntah. Sbb nk cover, kalau tak nnt org semua pandang pelik kt aku -.- Haha.

by amyy.zhry=)

Dedicated to Ecam and Abalan.

Haha saje buat entry for my brothers because ada one song nie remind me both of them :D Which is lagu Pagi yg Gelap by Hujan :

Pagi yang gelap,
Kini sudah terang,
Aku adikmu,
Dan engkau ABANG,
Ku amat merindui kamu.

Haa, kn sesuai lagu tuh utk dorg berdua :D Well, i miss both of you, bro :')

Love and Miss you, brothers ! <3

by amyy.zhry=)

Good Morning Everybody.

Wake up in the Morning,
Feeling like P Diddy,
Grab my glasses,
I'm out the door,
I'm gonna hit this city,
Before I leave,
Brush my teeth with a bottle of a JackCause,
When I leave for the night,
I ain't coming back.
Bla bla bla bla bla blaaaa....


Haha saje je type lyrics lagu tuh. Taktau knp pgpg lagu tuh dah ade dlm otak. So type la :P Buat entry nie just wanna say :


Lawa an pic nie. Nice view ;)
by amyy.zhry=)

Beste Freunde

Ni haa nk cerita psl dua org teman sehidup semati <3 Kami kwn dr sekolah lg! Dan hubungan kwn kami kekal sehingga hari ini dan insyaAllah sampai bilabila. Amin.


1stly, I'm going to story bout a girl who're really vain ! Haha. Ok, nama diberi Siti Farzana bt. Tajudin. We all called her Fazae. And she gave her nickname Fazae Vain :D 

I knal dia since form1. Ktorg duk sebelah. And ktorg duk bertiga, bersama Nur Farrah Aqilla bt. Khairudin or Farra for short. And ktorg pgl Farra tuh Farra kurakura. Nk tau sbb? Nnt2 la cerita. Ok, back to fazae's story. Kami sama class time form 1, 4 and 5. Form 2 and 3, kami dipisah kn. Sedih taw :( Huhu. And now pon kte dipisahkan. You kt Poli Jitra and I kt Johore, we're far, and imissyousomuch!

Ok ok, continue... Dia nie ssh nk bgaul ngan org. Kira "sombong" la jgk. Tp I taktau la mcm mana boleh rapat lak ngan minah nie :D Haha *jgn mrh ye sygs* :P Ehh tp kn, kalau korg dpt rapat ngan dia nie, best wooo! And suka bergossip and time skola ktorg pgl da reporter terhebat cuz she knows everything bout others. But we dont know where she got the news. Haha. Btw, I'm lucky cuz dpt rapat ngan dia. And for others, you're bad cuz tak dpt rapat ngan Fazae! Hahaha pity all of you *muka poyo*. 

Well, iloveyoumoreandmore, darla ! You're my truly bestgirlfieforever!

Ok, this is Fazae :

Haaa dah tgk muka dia? Cute an. Dia single taw :D Hehe*promote pulak*
But taktau la btol single ke tak. Yela, dia mana nk cerita ngan kita dah :(


Okayy, next. I'm going to story bout gadis si kecik molek nie :D She's Nor Hasanah bt. Ramsjah and called her Nowr. She got many nicknames. Such as, Nowr Senah, Nowr kecik, etc. But ade 1 nickname nie, I cant fget it until now is Aminah Hasan, yg diberi oleh Kerry or Nik (I didnt remember who called her this name). Kerry and Nik were our classmates when we're form4 and form5. I knew Nowr since we're form4. We're classmates on form4 and form5. But we're getting closed on end of form4. And when we're form5, we sat together, also with Fazae :)

Since end of form4, we're getting closer and closer until now :) She's cute, but sometimes she's quite blur :D Haha *jgn mrh ye Nowr* But she's funny. Dia nie kn, dah mcm adk kami (even I takde adk). Hehe. Also rugi for those yg tak dpt rapat ngan Nowr :D Nowr, ape khabar la agak nye kau kt sana an. Aku rindu kau weyh! Pd hal, kte takde la jauh mana pon. Kau kt Malacca, aku kt Johore je. Huhu.

IloveyoutooNowrSenahKecik <3 You're my Bestgirlfieforever!

Ok, nie gamba Nowr Kecik :

So this is picture of si Kecik nie :D Comel jgk an an :P Dia pon single kot. Haha. 

Three of us<3

I really miss both of them :'( Both of them are my truly nestgirlfieforverandneverend :')
Also to Nor Syazana bt. Saadon! Sayang kau Ana. Nnt aku buat entry utk kau pulak ye. Tak sempat nk buat kau nye cuz broadband lembs. Maaf. And jgn risau, kau pon tetap BGF aku! ;)

psst psst, Beste Freunde means Best Friends - German language ;)
I do love them so much!
by amyy.zhry=)

coeurs ;)

I've wrote bout myself and my family. Now I'm going to write bout the one who colours me :)

That person is not a lady for sure. I'm not going to story everything bout him, because it's private, I guess :) His name is Mohd Norhijrah or Hijrah for short. He's my Mr Right. Fyi, he's caring, loving, gentleman, etc. Btw, I dont ever ever ever and ever mind what you all are going to say bout us. Because we're whoever we're. Better all of you(who're loves to busy body bout others) go away and find your own life. I'm happy with him:) Ok folks, I think that's all I'm going to say, haha takmau r type manyak2 :D

Here are some photos:

His fav picture :)

This is us ;)

Btw, coeurs means hearts - it's French language:)
That's all from me. See you soon:)

by amyy.zhry=)

Rainbow of my Family :)

This is my parents :) On my left is my lovely abah, Zahari b. Ali and on my right is my lovely ibu, Fawzita bt. Baharudin. This picture is taken by my cousin at Kelantan(village). It's on Raya Aidilfitri '10 ;)

This is my lovely siblings :) From left he's my 2nd bro, Akmal Hisyam or Ecam for short, with his blue baju melayu. While at the center is my 1st bro, Azlan or we call him Abalan, with his "Baju Nikah" :D This picture is taken on Abalan's wedding at Bahau, Negeri Sembilan.

Pretty lady behind of me is my sister-in-law, Norlita bt. Shamsuri or Kak leeta for short :) She was pregnant on this time. I didn't remember the date but for sure, this is before I'm going to UiTM :D

And the last one is my first nephew. OMG! I'm so excited when got news that I'm going to be Aunty. Oh gosh! I was so excited on that time *boast*. I want him to call me Aunty Amy, simple right? Ehh if he call me "aunty", is't means I'm old already? No right? Haha. Ok ok enough for that. Emm let's continue about my nephew. Abalan and Kak Leeta decided to give their child's name is Afif. OMG again! He is veryvery cute. FYI, Afif loves mirror! Come and take a look at this pic :

This picture has proved that Afif loves mirror ;) Cute isn't it?

Ok folks, I think that's all about my family .
p/s : nk tambah sikit, Kak Wati pon dah mcm our family;)

Hearts my FAMILY <3
J'aime ma famille
means i love my family:) -French Language
by amyy.zhry=)

About ME :))

NAMEAmelia Zahari


DOB5th of Aug 

STATUSRelationship with Mohd Norhijrah




Currently studying at UiTM Segamat, Johor :)

[p/s: idolovemyfamilyandboyfie,alsomyfriends;)]

by amyy.zhry=)

I'm NEW here :)

As you know that I've bloggie which is ameliazahari.blogspot.com. But now I'm not using that bloggie anymore. Do you ask me why? Dont ask me because I've no answer for that question. Means that I dont know why :D Haha. *still thinking the reason why I dont want to use that bloggie. 

Ok, firstly, I want you all to know that I dont know how to use bloggie. Please dont expect that I'll always update my bloggie because I'm quite lazy to do that, also updating bloggie is not my hooby. And once again, I dont know how to use this :) 

Nahhh, enough for this post. I've no idea to say. That's all folks. See you later :) 

BYE ! 

by amyy.zhry =)