Beste Freunde

Ni haa nk cerita psl dua org teman sehidup semati <3 Kami kwn dr sekolah lg! Dan hubungan kwn kami kekal sehingga hari ini dan insyaAllah sampai bilabila. Amin.


1stly, I'm going to story bout a girl who're really vain ! Haha. Ok, nama diberi Siti Farzana bt. Tajudin. We all called her Fazae. And she gave her nickname Fazae Vain :D 

I knal dia since form1. Ktorg duk sebelah. And ktorg duk bertiga, bersama Nur Farrah Aqilla bt. Khairudin or Farra for short. And ktorg pgl Farra tuh Farra kurakura. Nk tau sbb? Nnt2 la cerita. Ok, back to fazae's story. Kami sama class time form 1, 4 and 5. Form 2 and 3, kami dipisah kn. Sedih taw :( Huhu. And now pon kte dipisahkan. You kt Poli Jitra and I kt Johore, we're far, and imissyousomuch!

Ok ok, continue... Dia nie ssh nk bgaul ngan org. Kira "sombong" la jgk. Tp I taktau la mcm mana boleh rapat lak ngan minah nie :D Haha *jgn mrh ye sygs* :P Ehh tp kn, kalau korg dpt rapat ngan dia nie, best wooo! And suka bergossip and time skola ktorg pgl da reporter terhebat cuz she knows everything bout others. But we dont know where she got the news. Haha. Btw, I'm lucky cuz dpt rapat ngan dia. And for others, you're bad cuz tak dpt rapat ngan Fazae! Hahaha pity all of you *muka poyo*. 

Well, iloveyoumoreandmore, darla ! You're my truly bestgirlfieforever!

Ok, this is Fazae :

Haaa dah tgk muka dia? Cute an. Dia single taw :D Hehe*promote pulak*
But taktau la btol single ke tak. Yela, dia mana nk cerita ngan kita dah :(


Okayy, next. I'm going to story bout gadis si kecik molek nie :D She's Nor Hasanah bt. Ramsjah and called her Nowr. She got many nicknames. Such as, Nowr Senah, Nowr kecik, etc. But ade 1 nickname nie, I cant fget it until now is Aminah Hasan, yg diberi oleh Kerry or Nik (I didnt remember who called her this name). Kerry and Nik were our classmates when we're form4 and form5. I knew Nowr since we're form4. We're classmates on form4 and form5. But we're getting closed on end of form4. And when we're form5, we sat together, also with Fazae :)

Since end of form4, we're getting closer and closer until now :) She's cute, but sometimes she's quite blur :D Haha *jgn mrh ye Nowr* But she's funny. Dia nie kn, dah mcm adk kami (even I takde adk). Hehe. Also rugi for those yg tak dpt rapat ngan Nowr :D Nowr, ape khabar la agak nye kau kt sana an. Aku rindu kau weyh! Pd hal, kte takde la jauh mana pon. Kau kt Malacca, aku kt Johore je. Huhu.

IloveyoutooNowrSenahKecik <3 You're my Bestgirlfieforever!

Ok, nie gamba Nowr Kecik :

So this is picture of si Kecik nie :D Comel jgk an an :P Dia pon single kot. Haha. 

Three of us<3

I really miss both of them :'( Both of them are my truly nestgirlfieforverandneverend :')
Also to Nor Syazana bt. Saadon! Sayang kau Ana. Nnt aku buat entry utk kau pulak ye. Tak sempat nk buat kau nye cuz broadband lembs. Maaf. And jgn risau, kau pon tetap BGF aku! ;)

psst psst, Beste Freunde means Best Friends - German language ;)
I do love them so much!
by amyy.zhry=)

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